Insecta (Iinsects) GCE Revision Questions o level

 Insecta (insects) GCE Revision Questions

1. (A) Define the phrase "social insects"

(B) (a) Name the various castes in the bee hive

(b) State briefly the role(s) of each member in the colony.

(C) Summarize the various ways in which a worker bee is adapted to performing its different duties.

(D) In the form of a table, state five structural differences between a worker bee and a worker termite.

2. a) Name the different castes of a termite mound.

b) Explain each of the following concerned with termite:

  • Nuptial flight
  • Royal chamber
  • Termitarium.
3. (a) Briefly outline the life cycle of a termite.

(b) What is the significance of Nuptial flight in termites?

4. (a) State four importance each of:

  • Termites
  • Bee's
(b) List five methods by which termites can be controlled.

5. Give five reasons why insects are said to be very successful organisms.

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Revision questions biology ordinary level for Students.
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Use of Biology revision questions. 

Above questions are revision questions for "insects" for ordinary level (o level). 

Candidates can use the above questions to prepare for the Cameroon General certificate of examination board GCE 

The questions are not only for Cameroonians preparing for the gce but they are revision questions for all students world wide preparing for the GCE or any other Examination.
