How to Survive GCE Results Day

Since the last day of term, you’ve been enjoying your long holiday so far in a blissful state of denial about what we all know is coming – exam results day. (Shudder). No matter how well you think the exams went, it’s natural to feel on edge as the results day approaches – especially if your results will determine whether you can attend your chosen college/university, or enter your chosen career path.

Emotions may run high, but panic not, because we have some tips for you to make it through unscathed…

1. Think positive – or distract yourself!

The days before exam results day is bound to be tense. Try to take your mind off things by doing something you enjoy, whether it’s hanging out with friends, playing games, distracting yourself with a Netflix binge or immersing yourself in a good book – basically anything that will stop you from worrying about your results.

Of course, if you’re feeling really anxious, it’s best not to bottle things up. Talk to someone about how you’re feeling, and remember that this tension will pass, and that there’s no need to be embarrassed about your feelings.

If you’re waiting to receive your results online, try not to get up at the crack of dawn to refresh the page again and again until the results appear – this will only make the wait more agonizing. Give yourself a specific time to check, and plan other activities to keep yourself occupied.

If you’re heading to your school or university to collect the results in person, it might be worth bringing along a friend or family member for support on the day – this is a particularly good idea if you’re getting there by car and they can give you a lift.

Don't forget to share this advice if you found it helpful. Feel free to comment other ways.

What if I did better than expected on exam results day?

What if I didn’t get the exam results I need?

Read this article to find out 
